Saturday, October 13, 2012

This is it....

So I have decided that I dont like the blog name anymore and so I am moving!

I have a new blog now.... If you know me and want to continue to follow let me know. If we are friends on facebook I will also post that there.

Goodbye "baby Guy's lullabies. It's for the best :)

Friday, October 5, 2012 away from me again

Patience grasshoppers....

I actually started typing up the blog for today this morning... it is now 7 PM. HAHA

I Hope that I will get better at this but who really knows, I am a busy girl sheesh :) So anyhow.... here is my attempt to catch up on the photo a day challenge:

I Just started doing weight watchers again...minus the meetings or the paying part. I have done it 3 times in the past so I am a pro, also you can find anything you want on the internet so we will see how this goes! Since I am nursing I get about 40 points a day to "spend" on food. This cinnamon raisin bagel without cream cheese was SIX points.... ugh this might take some getting used to after shoving my face during the pregnancy.

This was a LOOOOONNNGG day for me... I was supposed to meet my Aunt in the morning but was having such a rough morning that I had to cancel for the second time ( ugh) So in the end my makeup never even got put away it just stayed strewn on the floor until I got my stuff together the next day.

I took this shot of my Kindle Fire it is pretty funny to see the mix of books that I have downloaded to read. I can honestly say this is one crazy mix..... and yes you are seeing Fifty Shades of Grey there... no I have not read it....all..... I also never finished the hunger games or Think like a man, I did however watch both of the movies. I also read AND watched what to expect when your expecting. Funny how many books I "read"that they turn into movies.

Well I am actually surprised I was still able t get a "shadow" shot on a day in October but it has been really warm and sunny lately... weird! Here's Sophie! 
Then I realized Sophie is a teething toy....that will go in the baby's mouth.... hahaha time for a bath Sophie!!

See you all tomorrow......maybe.

Monday, October 1, 2012

I know... I am NOT very good at these

Lets see how well I do this month..... if you look at my past blogs you will see that I don't have a very good history of keeping up on these photo a day challenges.
DAY # 1:: Where I stood


This might just be one of the last nice days outside so I was enjoying a little sun while the baby napped. This "bark" is actually rubber! How cool is that?
Then while the baby finished her nap I did a little less standing! :)

Enjoy your Monday everyone.... here in our house it is Friday ( hubby is off for the next 3 days!)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Maybe I'm not a good "blogger"

Yeah you heard that right.....

I have come to the conclusion that I am not a very good blogger. I really thought I would blog everyday while the baby was napping.... well I have found that cleaning, eating, and working on my business projects have taken over that time.

As for right now... well she is NOT sleeping. LOL I am sitting right next to her in our recliner part of the sectional while she swings away "trying to sleep" is what I am telling myself. Matter of fact she is grunting at me trying to get me to look at her. Look, I will NOT do because she needs to take her 30 min. morning nap. ( I know sad that its only 30 mins but you would take that time if you had it too!)

Here she is right this second staring at me:


HAHA! Makes me laugh because it is almost as if she is willing me to get her out of her swing! Can't she see I am "working"here. ;)

Well shoot.... her music just went off on the swing and I don't want to make eye contact to turn it back on. boo. I peeked...looked out the side of my eye...yep STILL staring.

Fine, I will move on.

So my household this week is full of sneezing and runny noses and coughs and just plain yuckiness! It has been pretty miserable but thankfully my hubby is off Tues. Wed. and Thurs. so he was able to do most of the housework and baby needs type things while I rested! PHEW! Feeling so much better today!

 While I am feeling better I have decided to invest in a new planner...thing is I get this need to get a new planner way to often. Here's the truth...I have some sort of organizational OCD. I just bought a planner AND got a free one with my start up kit BUT I couldn't find a good place to keep my planner, pens, and highlighters all in one place ( because I don't like carrying huge bags) so I ended up writing a date in my planner in the WRONG COLOR ( oh no) and then I had to put a line through a play date that I cancelled due to being sick which I had written in pen (NOOOO) so now I can't even look at the planner without going loony.

Sad much? I know!

So I am now on a mission to find the BEST planner ever!! Really... I am googling it people! I will let you know what I find when I find it :) Now onto cleaning because the baby finally fell asleep so I will only have about 30 mins!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

2 months old!


Jaida, can you believe it has been 2months already??? I know I can't!

We already have a routine going and you sleep well through the night most days. You smile and coo, you even rolled over from your tummy to your back during tummy time last week. You are able to lift your head really well and have great neck control too! ( Although you still like to headbutt me and daddy when we hold you on our shoulders) You are still doing well drinking only pumped breast milk. You drink about 2-3 oz every 2-3 hours. You have been going down to bed after a nightly bath and bottle at about 1030 or so and wake me up between 3 and 5 am to eat then go back to sleep until around 7 am. Then we get up and come downstairs with your brother where you eat again and go back to sleep in your swing for a couple hours! so really you are only sleeping and eating from 10pm till 10 am :) Then the fun begins and we can start our day!

The best news though is that Daddy and I officially decided that I get to leave my job in the working world and stay home to raise you and your brother!

(besides if you saw the price of childcare these days........)

I can't wait to see how you grow and change in the months to come!

Look... I'm back! **photo bomb time**

Alright.... I think I might be back to the blog world for good. Hubby bought a new computer last night and I am all over blogging again :)

I almost feel like I should start all over ( a brand new blog) because I have such bad OCD when it comes to organization! It will probably make me crazy that I left out a whole 2 months of my life on my blog ahhhhhhh!

So, let's catch up shall we::
(here are the pics I promised)

This is my last official belly pic taken the morning I went in for my c section.

Here is Jaida at one day old in the hospital

First trip to church ( first official trip out)

Brother and sister

One month::

Well.... we pretty caught up. I am going to make another post today to do her monthly check in!

Friday, August 3, 2012


Pretty sure I am either fired from.... or almost fired from the world of blogging.

I figured the only people reading my blog were the friends on facebook that follow the links that I post on there as a "blog update." That is until I really thought about all of the blogs that I just "troll" ( as they call it) meaning blogs that I anonymously follow because I am interested in other peoples lives. Hence all the reality TV I watch :) So now I feel really bad. I could be so wrong and maybe nobody other than my friends is really following my life BUT just in case..... I have a LOT to fill everyone in on.

Let's see.....

Last time I was on here was a little less than a month before I gave birth! ( sorry people that were waiting to hear how that went!)

Well I had the baby! YAY! Here are the stats::

SEX: Girl
BIRTHDAY: June 19, 2012
TIME: 10:19am
VIA: C-section (repeat)
WEIGHT: 9lbs. 9oz.
HEIGHT: 20 1/4 inches

She has a full head of hair and it was love at first sight!

** I will post pics later.. I am having trouble with this dumb computer!*

Jaida Alyse is now almost 7 weeks old!! She is so good and sleeps so well! So far she already follows a pretty normal nightly sleeping pattern of 1st bedtime being around 8 or 9 (after a bath) then she usually will wake up again around 1130pm to eat.... then again around 3am.... then she is up for the day at around 630 or 7am. There have been a couple nights that she has slept for 7 hour stretches!

At this point I am not sure if I will be going back to my current job or if I will be looking for something from home or at least only part time.

Well.... Baby is awake gotta go! Hope to be back before another 2 months pass!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I love getting stuff in the mail.... well everything but bills haha.

Anyway, I have recently been ordering lots of baby stuff online from Amazon and so it has been fun to get little packages of goodies a couple times a week. Well yesterday I got a package that I hadn't ordered but my sister had.... it was from an online site called Bluum It is so cool. ( PS.. I hope that link worked because I have never done that before) anywhoo.... what an awesome gift idea. It is basically a gift box of deluxe samples that you get once a month and you pay for it just like a magazine subscription. So she set it up so that I will be getting them monthly for a little while.

The box that I got is a mix of stuff for mom and baby ...


Monday, May 21, 2012

so close... yet so far away

Man… I was so all over this blog when I first started. Now I am just lazy.
However, I am HUGE and I wanted everyone to take a look at this 35 week photo because it will probably be the last self-photo  I take before Jaida is here J YAY!
I am actually planning on having my friend take some maternity pics this weekend. Thank goodness for photo shop because this belly is stretch marked to the max and I am not to fond of the outie belly button I currently am sporting. LOL
**** Soooo… Update time?.....*****
I am currently 35 weeks pregnant and as of last Thursday’s drs. Apt the nurse said I am only measuring 36.5 weeks so although Jaida will no doubt be a big baby I prob only look so huge because I am so short and because she is sitting all the way against my belly….pushing it out to the max!
( See pic below:: sorry about the lighting!... oh and the look of fear all over my face HAHA )

Also, I noticed that I thought I was HUGE when I was only 18 weeks along... ( in case you forgot what I looked like then see that pic below....)

Psssssh.... that seems like nothing now!!! UGH the more I look at that top picture the more I realize just how much work I will have to do to get this weight off once she is born!

So, all of that being said I have an ultrasound in 2 days to check on her growth as well as the level of amniotic fluid that she is in because I was a little on the high side and they don't want her to run out of room of course! Maybe they will decide she needs to come a little early.... I wouldn't be sad about that as all. once I make it 1-2 more weeks she will be considered "full term" and hopefully ready as ever! That being said... wish me luck because I am not sure how soon I will be back to blog about this glorious pregnancy ( said with every ounce of sarcasm I could muster)

** PS: c section is officially scheduled for June 19th YIPEEEE..... kinda want to make it till then... kinda want her to come now.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Long time... no Blog

I'm sorry.

I know In am falling way short with this blog. Thing is, I am super uncomfortable and unfocused these days I just cant put myself to blog.

However, Here I am :)

UPDATE:: I am 32 weeks pregnant tomorrow ( going on what feels like 45) I get to schedule my c- section sometime this month.... for June, so I will finally have an exact eviction date for my lil' lady! ** unless she comes early which I wont mind so long as its not TOO early**

I am only working 25 hours per week now at work due to horrible back problems and a torn abdominal wall. sucky. I really don't know how much longer I will be able to work at all, coming in today with my back killing me and on less than 5 hours of very interrupted sleep was awful! My dr. also has me doing physical therapy twice a week as well as massage therapy. I have only had one apt. so far and have my first massage in 2 days so we shall see how it goes!

I had my baby shower on Sat. it was AMAZING!! I will post pictures as soon as I see any of them ( my friend took a bunch) I was having nightmares all week leading up to it thinking of showing up to only 3 people being there and all this work put in by my 2 good friends that threw it. It wasn't like that at all though, there were like maybe 20 women there and great food and wonderful gifts. I felt SO loved!!! Best day ever!!

So here's hoping these last 7 weeks before Jaida is born are uneventful and pain free... HA! .... but I can hope!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

slow growing

So my son Jordon.....

He does not grow.

I mean really, I was just noticing that the outfit he wore for Easter this year was worn once before and although I don't know exactly how old he is in the first picture I am going to guess about 5. Then he wore the same shirt(s) this past weekend at age 8 ALMOST 9.

See for yourself:

 and now::

clearly to me he looks different in the face but how the heck is his upper body still the same size LOL. His legs are growing longer, and his feet are getting bigger... but his shirts from years ago are all still fitting.

One thing I think is for sure.... Jordon will probably not be very tall.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Hello Blog.

I miss you.

Someday I will be back to update you with pictures and stories.

For now though...... I've got nuthin'

Thursday, April 5, 2012

It's official

Pregnancy is NOT fun anymore :(

Not that I ever thought it was a good time being pregnant. I hate to be the whiny type but seriously this pregnancy thing is not as easy as some people make it look haha.

I feel so guilty for being uncomfortable or in pain.

I feel like I am failing at my job and at home because I cannot give 100% anymore. Not only do I have this huge baby to carry around but she is killing my back and now my tear in my abdomen is getting worse and causing pain too. BOOOO HOOOO.

It is such a blessing to be pregnant and I am so thankful that I will have this amazing baby to love and care for, but I just wanted to vent that I feel useless right now.

Next week I am starting to work part time because I can no longer sit stand or walk for more than 5 consecutive hours without excruciating pain. However to people on the outside looking in I know it looks like I am just making an excuse to sit around and do nothing.

Why do I feel guilty. That is unfair. So what if people don't understand.... so what. I am doing what is best for me and my unborn child.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

UGH the pain

Oh it has begun.

I can’t sit for a long time, I can’t stand for a long time, and I can’t walk for a long time. The pain in my back will not stop. Yesterday ( I reached a “mere” 27 weeks) I started having cramps early in the morning but went to work anyways. I suffered through an entire day of cramping and horrible back pain in order to make it to Jordon’s conference. Unfortunately I didn’t make it. I had to call to cancel because I was in so much pain and just needed to lay down.
I hate sounding like a cry baby but honestly I don’t know how people do it! How do you work a 40 hour a week office job when NO position is comfortable and everything causes you pain. BOOO.
I know that things could be a lot worse an d I am so thankful that everything seems fine with Jaida, but dang this back and cramping pain. I suppose I expected the 3rd trimester to be bad but for some reason I just did not expect this.

Well that is all the complaining and whining I have for you today folks. Carry on…..

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


What to blog about.

Not sure really, but I feel like I am such a blog slacker as of late. I read everyone else's blogs and they are full of pictures, or crafts, or fun stories and I just don't have the energy to keep up anymore. I do this a lot. I start things and then don't finish.


In January I had full intentions of blogging each little thing as I go along in this pregnancy and well.... that just not happening now is it LOL. I guess it is good news though that it has been so uneventful. Right now as I am approaching 27 weeks ( THIRD TRIMESTER) woooo hooooo .... I am finishing sending out all of my baby shower invites. I know I talked about it earlier **HERE** but man oh man do I get anxious having a party for myself. I am not throwing it for myself however, a couple friends of mine are. I just always get nervous that people are not having fun or not as excited as I am. LOL I am silly, I just want to party and enjoy it OK!!

alright well sorry but I am getting side tracked and keep leaving the blog, so I am done for today. :) BYE

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

26 Weeks

Yes... that's all ... 26 weeks.

Is it just me or does it seem like I should be right around at least 32 by now. HAHA. I feel bad saying that I am tired of being pregnant, but I feel like I am.

Maybe I am just tired. In general. Along with the back pain and the feeling like I am helpless because I have gotten so big ( oops my bad!) As you may have noticed I have stopped doing the entire questionare week by week.... I feel like not to much changes and when it does I can just blog about it in this "diary form" rather than question by question.

I had my second glucose screening this pregnancy ( first one was a precaution because my family is known for "big" babies... done at around 16 weeks) This one is the one I am supposed to have done between 24-28 weeks. Well I failed. Bummer!..........

***note to self:: If the doctor tells you that you need to go in for "labs" and you don't ask what they are for your best bet is to NOT eat Reeses and Skittles an hour before***

So, that being said, I have to go in tomorrow for my dreaded THREE HOUR glucose testing. Yep the one where I have to fast before hand then drink an extremely sugary cola type drink, then sit in the waiting room for 3 hours all while having my blood drawn a total of 4 times as well. BOOOO.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

F +

If I was going to be graded on my blogging skills as of late I believe I might get an F+.

I think I may have officially failed the March photo Challenge as well, AND my weekly pregnancy updates.

To be honest I haven't really even been that busy so I don't have that excuse. The weekly count with the pregnancy was ok until I realized that not much is changing week by week anymore... I am getting a little bigger every week, a little more tired, and a lot more achy. ( especially in my back) other than that ...same ol same ol.

Maybe I am just not one for following rules and trying to remember to blog what week I am every Tuesday ( not to mention it seems to make things slow down when I realize I am ONLY 25 weeks along) as far as the photo challenge, I dunno I don't take many pics as it is and this was kind of easier in that way because it gave me something specific to snap a picture of... but I lost track... and now I am unmotivated.

I am just not feeling very bloggy lately.

I'm sorry.

Maybe in a few more days.... or maybe tomorrow.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Photo Challenge days 8 and 9

Day 8:: WINDOW

Man would I love to have this view right about now!

Day:: 9 RED
I know I know.. this isn't a PICTURE really but instead it's a video. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song though!
Enjoy Daniel Merriweather's song ::


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Photo Challenge Days 6 and 7

Day # 6 :: 5PM

This is out the front door... it wasn't too bad out but the mt. is covered by clouds bummer.

Crappy cell phone pic. but I was cooking dinner. Spaghetti with meatballs and veggies.

Jordon was doing his homework.

Well thats about it for 5 PM at our house :)


Day #7 : Something You Wore::

haha yep... I wore this. I have no idea what year this was but I am thinking maybe 93' when I was in about 3rd grade. this was one of my dance recital outfits.PRICELESS huh ;)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Honey Boo Boo Child

Introducing:::  Honey Boo Boo Child

There is nothing else to say

" A dolla makes me holla hunny boo boo"

24 WEEKS!!

How Far Along? 24 weeks ( still measuring 25 though)
Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts her at just over a pound. Since she's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn),she cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll soon start to plump up. Her brain is also growing quickly now, and her taste buds are continuing to develop. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help her air sacs inflate once she hits the outside world. Her skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.

How I'm Feeling Overall:
Hungry more often but full very quickly. My back gets very sore these days, at the end of the day, in the evening I usually feel pretty run down and uncomfortable.

Food Cravings/Aversions?
Still a big time craving to fruits and sugar. Also still not so into eating meat although I know the baby needs protein.

Best Moment of the Week?  
Hmmmm…. I am not sure about this one, kinda had a rough week. I guess the best moment would be walking into work in the sun last week one day. Put me in a GREAT mood all day long. It was lovely.

Sleep is still pretty ok. I do feel super big though so every move I make feels like I have to put in a ton of effort. Especially getting in and out of bed.

All the time still. Even had a friend feel a big kick this week!
Nothing that I can think of here either. Not too much change from last week.

Still pretty emotional. VERY irritable. People get on my nerves easily and it is hard to smile through sometimes. Also not feeling like being around people all the time. Sometimes I even get nervous before going to anywhere because I just hate being noticed or proaded about the pregnancy.

What I miss?
I miss just fitting in with everyone else. I thought I would LOVE the pregnancy limelight, but it kinda makes me more uncomfortable. I also just compare myself with every other preggo I see.

 What I'm looking forward to?
See above!! FITTING IN… with the crowd, into clothes…. Everything!

Weekly Wisdom: I am going to take this out and instead add a new column:: ** see below**
Best Line Heard this week:  ( said to me by a coworker) “ you know I bet she will only be a 6 lb baby…. It just LOOKS like she will be 50lbs”…..  gee thanks J

Monday, March 5, 2012

This MUST be discussed

I am an avid follower of so many "reality" shows it's kinda unreal.(haha) I watch everything from Khloe and Lamar, and ALL of the Real Housewives shows, to Lockup RAW and Scared Straight.

----OH and don't forget "I survived" which is seriously my all time fav!---

ANYWAY, today's topic that I feel MUST be discussed was something that I saw last night on the show called "my Strange Addiction" ** to which I have a strange addiction to watching** ( If you have never seen it PLEASE find a way to watch it ASAP.)

Everyone on that show is some sort of loony bin in their own way. I mean from a man who thinks he has a legit relationship with a doll, to people that eat dirt, chalk and even nail polish OH MY.  I have a "chalk-a-phobia" of sorts ( which I will have to come back to another day on another bloggity blog) yet I still managed to deal with when watching the girl who eats chalk. BARF. I also have an extreme dislike when it comes to feet, and with that being said I just BARELY made it through THIS** on last nights episode::

OH MY GOSH! Please tell me that does not make you want to vomit! LOL.

For serious.... this is the most disgusting thing I have seen in a long time! This lady actually cuts out the tops of shoes so that she can wear them instead of flip flops if she needs to. Not to mention she has diabetes and the doctor told her she is at risk of losing her toes or feet if she cannot even walk normal let alone exercise, but she refuses to trim them at all. GROSS.

She is taking this too far and I am officially grossed out to the max!

Neighborhood, Bedside, and Smile :)

Well I knew it was bound to happen....

I knew I wouldn't be blogging from home on the weekends so I have to upload my pics for the March photo Challenge TODAY that I missed.

Here goes::

(this is in the summer when it was soooo pretty out)

( pretty boring... Just a lamp, alarm clock, picture frame and lotion...because I hate the feeling of sheets on my feet if they are dry.... haha I am so weird I know!)


DAY 5:: SMILE :)
hehe... this is me about 6 years ago it is my inspiration pic because this is a genuine smile. awww

AND... that catches me up to today in the photo challenge. Nothing else to blog about yet but I may be back later :)


Friday, March 2, 2012


Day # 2 of the March photo Challenge is FRUIT::

I know... not very exciting BUT the supervisors at work today made everyone FRUIT smoothies. With Strawberries, Bananas, Orange Juice, and a little milk.

Needless to say.... I had 4.

This picture might make it look big but it was only about a 6 oz cup ok sheesh LOL.


It might have been the most entertaining part of my day though because boy did today feel like the longest day on the planet. ( Right along with every other Friday haha)

OHHHHHH.... I almost forgot the highlight of my day. It is awful actually. I was checking my emails when I had one that said it was from PayPal, so I opened it and read that apparently PayPal had authorized the transaction of $3000.00 to be moved from my bank account into my PayPal account... HOLD UP... no way Jose!!

So I logged onto PayPal and sure enough "I" had requested the funds be transferred. Long story short I called and took care of it all and the transaction will not be completed BUT I now have the fun task of changing every password to every account I own ANNNNND had to cancel my bank card and have a new one reissued.

UGH. Happy Friday. :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012


This looks like a fun little blogging idea.... Let's PLAY :)

*** I may fall behind some days but I will do what I can ***

DAY #1 : UP

It's not all that great ( since I am at work ) BUT this is the view "UP" when I step outside the back door :)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Graham Crackers and Cheese


Yesterday my coworker was talking about her son not being interested in eating his sandwich for lunch at school anymore. We were talking about what she could pack instead and you'll never guess what she suggested doing....

Giving him Graham crackers and cheese!!!.... not cream cheese.... yellow American PLASTIC looking cheese. BARF.

BUT.... my mama (she hates when I call her that) always said "don't knock it till you try it"..... soooooo ... I did. 

** no pictures of me tasting it so you'll have to take my word for it**

I thought it was disgusting!!

Then, Jordon tried it... I told him to give it a thumbs up or thumbs down.... but I was still confused whether he liked it or not, as I am sure you would be too after seeing his facial expression::

 So, I asked one more time... "take a bite for the camera and if its yummy thumbs up if its gross thumbs down"..... I guess this is the FINAL ANSWER::


Tuesday, February 28, 2012


How Far Along? 23 WEEKS
Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With her sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that she's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see her squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.

How I'm Feeling Overall: 
Well I have had a cold/cough for a little over a week and not being able to take much ( and not really wanting to either) has made it a little more prolonged and difficult. I am ready to stop hacking! I have also started getting a little bit more round ligament pain and some minor backaches.... oh the JOY.

Food Cravings/Aversions?
I haven't really wanted meat AT ALL lately but I eat it for protein. I still want Pizza and candy all the time. Yep still need my junk food fix.

Best Moment of the Week?
Finding out the sex of baby ..... two days in a row :)  It's nice to know that now we are now officially **TEAM PINK**

I seem to wake up a lot more these days to pee again, rather than the once a night I was starting to get accustomed to.

So much that I am starting to learn this baby girl's schedule...which I am sure will change as soon as she hits the real world but as for now she is kicking and punching me at least every couple hours.

Finding out gender.

VERY moody. Getting a little bit nervous about what will happen after baby is born.... as far as working vs. not working, and parenting Jordon in a way that he doesn't feel left out since the baby will get so much attention. Feeling anxious and rollercoaster-ish in the mood department.
What I miss?
Being comfortable.... not having back pain that I can't relieve... not feeling constantly sick with some sort of cold..... not having RLP ( round lig. pain) OHHH and... I started getting restless legs a little and it is very annoying.

What I'm looking forward to?
Being back to "normal" and not feeling heavy and tired and achy all the time

Weekly Wisdom: Nothing that I can think of right now!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Baby Brain

Wow... I am losing my head these days!!

I got to work early this morning and I put my bagel into the toaster and walked out to my desk ( I sit right outside the lunchroom) the plan was to go back in 2 mins. when it was done and grab it out of the toaster.

WELL..... that didn't happen.... I remembered about it an HOUR later when I realized I was hungry haha


 It was hard as a rock so I microwaved it for about 20 seconds to give it some "life." Now I am enjoying my hard/chewy bagel. Wait did I say enjoying? I meant I am forcing it down.

On a happy note IT'S FIRDAY YAAAAAY! ** and Payday at that** ..... which basically means it's pay my bills day YUCK.

My friend is having a Pinterest Party this weekend. I'm not going because I am just lazy these days in general BUT here are some of my favs from Pinterest::

towel bar with necklaces hanging from shower curtain hooks  tall vases with flowers submerged in water  I HAVE to make this!!!

MEAL PLANNER!...Picture frame, scrapbook paper, dry erase markers.. organization!  hold all jewelry holder!  old t-shirt + lace = cutest scarf!!

Oh and the list goes on and on.....

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Photo Shoot

Jaida Alyse

Baby's ultrasound pics.... sorry I took these from my phone so they aren't the best quality :)


                                                               yup... it's a girl!!
creepy face pic!

right hand::

That's all for today peeps Have an awesome day!