Tuesday, January 31, 2012


How Far Along? 19 Weeks

Your baby's sensory development is exploding! Her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that she may be able to hear your voice now, so don't be shy about reading aloud, talking to her, or singing a happy tune if the mood strikes you.
Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large heirloom tomato. Her arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of her body now. Her kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on her scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on her skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.

How I'm Feeling Overall: Pretty good! Lots of round ligament pain and stretching going on. Starting to get more difficult to get out of bed LOL. Last night I rolled over and had a sharp stabbing pain ( also round ligament) AHHH it’s not very fun.

Maternity Clothes? Oh absolutely!! Starting to feel more comfortable “looking pregnant” rather than just wearing bigger shirts….. that is until someone makes a comment about being “so big” SHUT UP!! LOL

Sleep?  Still not tired until about 9 pm at night, also been able to sleep in “late” on weekends ( this means 7 am ) but still loving my naps on a regular basis.

Best Moment of the Week? Realizing that I can feel the baby moving EVERY DAY now!! ( so far) every week is different and if baby moves back I may not feel it so much.

Movement? Yep, and last week it seemed higher up in my belly this week it is again right in between my hip bones. I feel it a lot more often now and I love it!!

Food Cravings/Aversions?   Ummm still junk food 
L that and fruit and sour candy. Pretty much the same. I could still also eat pizza every single day!! YUM

What I miss? Being able to sit in my office chair for 8 hrs and not having terrible back pain

What I'm looking forward to? My “big” ultrasound on Valentine’s day, and I also can’t wait for the day when Jon is able to see/feel the baby moving and kicking in my belly!

Weekly Wisdom: Again, I have to keep reminding myself that every pregnancy is different and every woman is different so I need to stop comparing myself to everyone else’s pregnancy!
Milestones:  Being able to wear “normal looking” clothes instead of just sweats and sweatshirts all the time. It’s nice to dress up and actually feel good!

Emotions? Terrible,  I am a grumpy gus…and I need to work on this!!!

On another note:: Looks like I am going to need to start picking a baby shower day now since so many of my friends are pregnant also and I don't want to interfere. My friend that is planning it for me and I were looking at a calender and were thinking it will be Sat.MAY 12th.Can't wait to just hang with all my girlfriends! yippee!

So fun! I want to plan someones baby shower! Imagine all the fun Pinterest goodies I could make and decorate with!! OOOOooooOOO I would have a blast! My friend has her baby shower this weekend and I can't wait!!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

All in a days work

I had actually written a blog about my weekend but then I realized after reading it that it was really boring. Long story short I did NOTHING and got sick Sunday evening from who knows what.
Here’s what is really on my mind::
So, at my job I sit at a reception desk on the fourth floor right outside of our lunchroom. It is just me and one other person who do this job so usually it is pretty quiet up here. However, I see so many people  during the day when they come up for breaks and lunches etc. and sometimes the littlest comments, quirks and such can really make me crazy, that or I just laugh when they leave.
So, here are a few…. Enjoy J  ** keep in mind there are about 150 employees so it’s not a tiny office**
--- People ask fellow elevator riders “are you going down?” before getting on the elevator…. ( we are on the TOP floor…. There is no other option)
--- someone burns popcorn, cooks fish etc… every person that gets off the elevator will say “ EWWW did someone burn popcorn?” or “ gross it smells like fish” …anyway you get the point.
( really these multiple comments go with anything such as “when are they taking down the decorations?” Or “wow it sure is cold up here”…. When we are both sitting with blankets wrapped around us )
--- someone forgets their badge and calls and we go down to let them in and ….. they are gone. Hey thanks.
--- People that EVERYDAY take the elevator UP, and then when they are heading back downstairs they go “healthy” and take the stairs …. These same people will also comment when walking with a friend who chooses to take the elevator down “ oh, I would go with you but I take the stairs…..”
---  EVERYONE comes  to the fourth floor restrooms to do their business….LOL I guess its better that only 2 of us know your “secret” rather than the rest of the company ……  but it’s not just a few people…its EVERYONE.
--- Every other person that comes up here asks to borrow something…. Silverware, plates, money, even syrup. We are not a grocery store haha.
--- People ask to borrow “ just a dime” or “just a quarter” ….. sorry I just lent out the last of my sons college fund on the other 100 people that needed some change this week.
These are just a few things that really get to me….. there are several more but I think it might be one of those things that you would have to work here to understand. Maybe even have to have my job title.

Thursday, January 26, 2012



So before I got pregnant I used to take a medication for anxiety. ( Among other things, this was the least of my issues really LOL) Usually I don’t get bad anxiety unless things are not going as planned or I am traveling etc…. However today….well, that’s another story!
I have anxiety!
This morning  I was thinking about an upcoming baby shower for a friend of mine and decided to go look at her registry…well of course I got side tracked and decided I should look at things that I was going to get for our baby when we know the sex.
I panicked! I started doing what I always do to help with my other issue of ADHD and started making lists. Of course I need things like a crib, a car seat, a stroller etc. but then my mind started racing to the thoughts of needing the little things like blankets and a thermometer ( the list goes on and on)
Writing this list made me realize how much more unprepared I really am! Not to mention that I refuse to shop for anything until about 30 weeks or so because I am just not ready to yet J Then I started to think about my own baby shower and felt another small panic attack coming on. I love a reason to party so when I think baby shower I think of all my girlfriends and all the yummy food…. And then I think about other people having to stress about their own money issues to get me a silly gift. Anyone who really knows me knows that is the LAST thing I would want to put someone through! I am so worried that people will think I am inviting them just to get things for my child, when really as much as I love attention, receiving things and being stared at makes me uncomfortable.
Who do you invite…. Where do you do it…. When…. How…. I didn’t have a shower with my last pregnancy because I was so young and felt like everyone was ashamed anyways. This time I am excited.....Just anxious because I want EVERYONE to be excited too and to have fun!!
AHHHHHH ….JUST STOP!! I need a baby break!! I need to have something else to focus on ( for at least 10 more weeks) time to find a hobby to distract me maybe …..

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Arguing…. We all do it, and you know that’s the truth!
Being pregnant and having these fluctuating hormones are not helping with my urgent sense at times to argue with my husband. Yesterday I just had “one of those days” the whole entire day seemed rough.
It started when I went to the gas station in the morning ( around 6 am) because I needed to put some air in my tires. Well when I got there, low and behold, another person was using the free air machine thingy…. So I decided to put a little gas in the car. Once I was done filling up I pulled up to the air machine and parked. ** it was also puring down rain UGH **
I took off all four caps on my tires and walked over to the machine ( which worked the day before when I had put air in only one tire that I thought was the issue) I turned it on and pulled the hose over to the first tire…. All while being rained on…. When I put the nozzle in the hole and pushed the lever the air was coming out but the gage wasn’t working and I didn’t know if I was doing any good.
---- just give up now, I thought----
But nooooooo I kept trying…. In the rain….. at all four tires…… I don’t think it worked.
I got back in the car when I was “finished” and low and behold the tire pressure light was STILL on. I gave up and just pulled away. As I approached the exit of the gas station a bazillion other cars pulled up and blocked my way into the road…. So I waited…. The light turned green and they started moving. They didn’t stop and then the light turned red. NOBODY WOULD LET ME IN… this happened 3 times so what did I do??
I cried.
The rest of the day I was feeling sick and uncomfortable and tired and grouchy and…. Well pregnant. However the POINT of this story was to tell you about the silliest argument I had with my husband. ( Well really he didn’t respond much… but I argued LOL.)
 So it here goes::
It was after dinner and we were watching some show Jon wanted to watch. I was already irritated by that ( haha) …. Out of nowhere the tears start to flow and through them I started to argue.....
ME: (crying) “UGH I am so uncomfortable and I just don’t feel good.”
JON: looked at me but didn’t reply
ME: (still crying) “I’m just so mad that your sitting on the “big couch” and I am sitting here on this chair. That couch is mine… it’s for pregnant people not perfectly normal husbands.”
( then the “recording a show” message popped up on the TV)
ME: “WHAT ARE YOU RECORDING??? ON MY TV????” ( the TV in the bedroom)
JON: “ummm Pawn Stars”
ME: “ Nooooo what have you done…. Tori and Dean is on and I HAVE to tape that."
JON: “um, ok… we can….”
ME: “NEVERMIND I’m going up there now… to bed…. And watching Tori and Dean” ( marched away)
******* the end******
I went up and watched my show and later Jon came up and we talked about his day and we talked about my day, we laughed and all was normal. I have to say, I sure do love my understanding and incredibly patient hubby!!!!!  J  ** and I HATE raging hormones! LOL**
=== also today he has my car and will be getting the brakes fixed AND putting air in all four tires==
How did I get so lucky :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bite your tongue!!

When talking to a pregnant woman there are a few things to keep in mind. No matter how big or small she was before she conceived there will always come a time during pregnancy that she feels "large." So please please PLEASE listen when I say:


Examples of what NOT to say to a pregnant woman:::

Are you SUUUUURE there is only one in there?

Awwww, I bet your having a girl, your gaining weight all over and not just in your tummy.

When are you goina "pop"... OH ... you have a long way to go!

Your face is even looking pregnant these days, its really filling out

Wow, your the same size as so-and-so... isn't she due next month?

I bet it's a girl.... ( awkward pause) ... I heard when your pregnant with girls they steal your beauty

        then the all time favorite when complaining about not feeling good, or pains etc...

You do know HOW that happens don't you


How Far Along? 18 weeks
Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and he weighs almost 7 ounces. He's busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from his head a bit.

How I'm Feeling Overall: Heavy. That is the best that I can explain it. I feel like I should be at least 7 months before I feel this way. Not as tired anymore like I used to be in my first trimester. Also very itchy and uncomfortable.

Maternity Clothes? Oh absolutely!! Thanks to a good friend I have now added a few items to my collection.

Sleep? UGH… what is sleep? Haha just kidding but on a more serious note I wake up EVERY HOUR just to roll over to the other side. I am supposed to be trying to sleep mostly on my left, however I sleep on both sides or I don’t sleep at all. I also don’t fall asleep these days until about 10 pm ( which is a change from the 7pm sleep time from a few weeks ago )

Best Moment of the Week? I have a great moment every night when my hubby and I have “baby time” he rubs my belly with Bio Oil so I get a mini belly massage
J it’s wonderful!!!

Movement? Yes! And It is higher than before…. Usually just below my bellybutton these days. The only thing I can’t seem to figure out are these small spasms I get if I move to fast. Like if I reach for something, sometimes I will get a quick spaz ( feels like a kick) but I think it’s too soon for that so I’m sure it’s something else.

Food Cravings/Aversions?   Aversion to anything healthy UGH
L gotta work on that! I have been craving fruit like a mad woman, and also I was craving Papa Johns bread sticks with garlic dipping sauce all week long. Also still crave anything sour.

What I miss? Sleeping soundly through the night, this will be long gone for awhile now.    

What I'm looking forward to? Well having the baby in my arms of course… but before that I suppose I just can’t wait to SEE the baby moving inside like an alien I remember that being so cool!

Weekly Wisdom: ** Yes note to anyone talking to a pregnant woman** #1. Don’t make comments like “ WOW are you suuuuuuure there is only one in there???” ( You may as well be calling her fat) # 2. Try to steer clear of horror stories that you may have about unsuccessful pregnancies ( we worry enough about things we see or hear in blogs, TV shows, and message boards, so please don’t tell us about your good friend losing her baby at a stage we have not even concurred yet) ……..
***you know what, I am going to write an entire blog on this later.***

Milestones: ummmmmm…… nothing that I can think of right now. Other than making it to 18 weeks so far.

Emotions? I have some severe road rage. I don’t act on anything but sometimes people make me cry when they cut me off or don’t let me in hahaha.

     **** here it is.... my first official belly pic****  ( ps: I hate when people take pics in mirrors and you can see the phone LOL sorry!)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Ohhhh Monday

Well hellloooooo Monday, we meet again (unfortunately) even after a week of snow, ice, and school and work closures you still came too soon.

Didn’t do much this weekend…. Well yeah didn’t really do ANYTHING. I woke up Saturday feeling like a slug who just wanted to plop on the couch and never get up, and I pretty much did just that.
(Besides the trip up to my bed for a 3 hour nap)
Sunday I went to church… which is more like hanging with great friends and hearing the word of God. I love my church.J After that we went to a friend’s for lunch and YAY I got some maternity clothes! *** Now none of you have to worry about me becoming that pregnant woman whose belly sticks out under her “non-maternity” clothes acting like she can’t feel the breeze*** SMH
Went home and …DUH ….watched a few hours of I survived (only the BEST TV show ever) < please note that I did up my dish channels in order to get BIO so I could watch my show> Really the only downfall to the weekend was the fact that I was REALLLLLLY craving bread sticks from Papa John’s and they don’t deliver all the way to me and I was too lazy ERRRRG.
(Side note)  I got the breadsticks today at lunch J YIPPEE, my life is complete!
Onto the baby news…..
I am trying to switch doctors… I know a little late in the game… But I want to feel “normal” and not like I am just a number with the military. My biggest problem is that with a new doc I will have to have an apt. with the nurse practitioner first, then with the dr. and THEN schedule my 20 week u/s (but by that time I might be closer to 24 weeks) and I already have that apt. scheduled with the army for Valentine’s Day. BUMMER. So we’ll see how that goes, I’m really not an anxious about finding out the gender so it’ll be alright either way.
No funny stories that I can think of for now so off I go!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Hello Baby....are you there?

Well, we have made it through "snowmegeddon 2012." As much as I would love to go on and on and on about the crazy winter wonderland that it has been out there I have so many things to discuss today since I have been gone the last few days.

First as I already mentioned, the last few days have been a cold, snowy, ICY, blustery winter wonderland!! Luckily that meant I got to enjoy a mid-week vacation :) However, I did get very stir crazy being stuck at home! We lost power for about 2 hours the first night of the snow, and then another 2 hours the morning after. ** good news about being at home for 48 hrs though.... I got my 24 hour pee collection for the pregnancy done** haha woot woot

Now, onto other news..... you know what makes me crazy?.... ( a lot of things so quit guessing) But TODAY it's this guy I work with who is singing every time he gets off of the elevator. I feel like he is hoping my coworker and I will one day say " wow _____ you have an amazing singing voice" or maybe he wants us to push him to try out for American Idol. Either way, not happening! It makes me crazy and I am about to apply the motto "if you can't beat em' join em' " and TRUST me nobody wants me to join in the singing!!

And finally onto baby news::

I am almost 18 weeks pregnant now and I have to tell you I really feel like I am not pregnant anymore (minus the belly) I think the baby has moved up a little so I don't feel the movement as much and when I do it's in a different spot than it had been before so I question every little "feeling" I have. Today I drank a cup of half caffeinated coffee AND a bottle of orange juice to get the little bugger moving, I felt a few squirms but I miss the movement I had a few weeks ago. :( 

My ultrasound is now less than a month away and I can't wait!!!! I don't even care so much what the gender is I just want to know that the baby is in there still hahaha. I read blogs and message boards and even though everything points to this being normal I am still a worry wart.

I will get a belly pic up as soon as I take one that I think I look pregnant in instead of just fat. I swear my butt is as big as my belly these days so I just don't feel "cute" right now. As I am writing this I realize that I will probably look back over this in about a month and laugh that I wished I felt more pregnant..... because pretty soon it's goina get uncomfortable and I am going to wish that I still had the energy that I do now. One thing I can't wait to be done with  though is the water works! SHEESH I am a crying mess most of the time!!

***** PS::: OMGosh did anyone see Grey's and/or Private practice last night?? now THAT would make anyone cry but I was bawling...I'm talking the really ugly cry!! So sad!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


How Far Along? 17 weeks ( still 4 months)
Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.

How I'm Feeling Overall: EMOTIONAL. Moody to the 15th power. But on another hand, I am finally feeling more “normal” and back to my old self. I can do housework again ( for now) without being sick or uncomfortable.

Maternity Clothes? YES! I had a breakdown this weekend because it seems like NOTHING fits anymore. I got 2 pairs of super cute maternity jeans ( one is a pair of jeggings) I just feel so HUGE and awkward looking.

Sleep? I have been staying up “later” these days ( so that means more like 8pm instead of 6pm) but for some reason I am up MUCH earlier…. Sometimes as early as 3 AM.

Best Moment of the Week? Having people compliment me about looking “cute” the same day I had the breakdown from feeling “fat.”

Movement? Some. I have had some weird “twitching” or spasm feelings that feel like kicks to me, but I know baby is still to tiny to feel a kick as powerful as I am. BUT I do feel the moving and rolling feelings.

Food Cravings/Aversions?  Sour skittles. YUM. And PIZZA…oh how I love Pizza! It has always been a fav. of mine but for a few weeks it never sounded good.
*** now why can’t I have an aversion to junk…dang it***

What I miss? Sleeping through the night comfortably. I toss and turn SOOOO much these days, not to mention the wake and pee every couple hours routine.

What I'm looking forward to? my u/s gender apt on valentine’s day! I dont care about the gender so much as I can’t wait to SEE baby!!  << yep still this!!

Weekly Wisdom: after looking at other pregnancy pics I realize I am not bigger than “normal” because with pregnancy there is no normal!!

Milestones: I finally have some energy again! YAY

Emotions? TERRIBLY moody!!! Everything makes me cry! Also super irritable!

Monday, January 16, 2012

First snowflake freakout lady..... you're one of us

So.... it snowed

It was snowing at my house so much yesterday that I was totally amped at the thought of a "snow day." You see, where I work, if it is deem necessary, my employer will close the office and we all still get paid. So I went to bed thinking "yippee, I won't have to work tomorrow."

However, this was not the case. I DID in fact have to work. To make matters worse I was already irritated with the lack of a snow day when I got to work that I found myself even doubly irritated at the people that called in and used the " It's to icy out to drive" or " There is way more snow where I live." All I could think was the fact that I live twice as far and probably really did have twice as much snow....AND ( like I like to add to everything **to add drama** I'm pregnant) So, basically if I could do it.... so could they.

But they didn't  .... BOO

----- note to anyone who didn't make it in today due to the "snow"   .... IT WASN'T BAD OUT.

Anyway, that's over and I got paid for the day so yay me.

So, I asked Jon to take a picture of the snow for my blog post today.....you know something artistic, and pretty. The problem is I said it like this.... " You should find a way to take a cool snowy picture of a tree or something for my blog" and I waited. I imagined something

Like this

but since I knew that was a long shot, I thought well maybe something  Like this

even just a branch.....

....... I don't think I elaborated exactly what I wanted well enough..... because this is what I got....


HAHA....I love my husband. At least I got a "snowy tree pic."

Friday, January 13, 2012

Give em the BOOT!

Has anyone seen that show " Beyond scared straight" ..... you know the one where some "hard, gangter kid" is smoking and drinking and fighting and sleeping around at the raw age of 14..... yeah that one. Well, anyways I LOVE this show. I am hooked! When I first turn it on though I find myself wondering why these young girls are wearing such revieling clothing when THEY are not the ones paying for it....hmmmmm ***parents***
also I mean come on how old IS this kid.... my sons age? sheesh SAD

and yep, this girl is sure taking it all in....

    HERE WE GO.... this is what I watch for the TEARS!!

Some of them claim that they change afterwards, and I honestly hope that they do because GUESS WHAT KIDS.... that was the "safe version" where the inmates aren't allowed to touch you... keep on that path and guess where you end up.... PRISON.

Unless you are "lucky" enough to get bailed out by this guy first! HAHA

OK.... well before I go I think I found ONE MORE picture of someone who might scare those kids straight.... Maybe Lil' Wayne can give em the BOOT :)

what the crap????? hahahahahaha ....

until next time people :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dream On

YIKES...preggo dreams can be sooo scary! You know those dreams where you wake up and your scared to walk down your stairs...and you sneak outa view of that small gap in your blinds on your sliding door that you always fear someone is peeping through ( even if the gate in the backyard is locked and completely fenced in) .....NO?!...ok then it's just me haha.

Anywho... Last night I dreamt that I was walking "home" ( which was actually to my childhood house ) and I walked past some creepy guy, ** I had mase so I felt safe ;) ** I got up to the house and the garage door was open ( which I guess wasnt odd in this dream it was just like another enterance to the house) and I went in the gargage door into the house, and I didnt lock the door behind me.....hence my dreaded future about to come into play...... I walked down the hall and noticed that the alarm hadnt beeped when I came in but it was still "set on" so I shrugged it off and moved along. Next thing I know I hear the backdoor open, so I turned and looked at the alarm expecting it to go off this time.....and nothing...... eeeeeeek. So now I am standing at the alarm trying to think how I can make it start going off really loud to scare of this intruder THEN I remember my husband has a gun. Long story short, I run and get the gun and all of a sudden I am like a contestant on Top Shot and I lock and load that sucker so quick..then BAM shoot ( a few times) and over kill this intruder.

*** DREAM OVER ***

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Harder than I imagined

.....and not in a "that's what she said" sorta way LOL

SOOOO I was super excited about blogging and then I realized, "hey Erin, your life really isn't that interesting" dang it! So I didn't blog all weekend since nothing exciting happened, but I did have a dr's apt yesterday so I suppose I can tell you about the baby..... First of all I thought I was slick when I went into the dr's office and the nurse asked about any "pain" I thought to myself ...hey heres the chance to have something to whine about and get an ultrasound.... nope didnt work, doc insists that this "cyst pain" I am feeling is actually round ligament pain UGH. What I could't slip past her though was weight gain and slightly elevated blood pressure ( which was ONLY elevated when she took it through my sweatshirt.....duh) AND because my 8 yr old was an 8lb. 10 oz baby it's possible that this one may be large too so I had to do an early glucose screening. ( secretly I am sure the screening is really because of weight gain) ..... AND .... oh you thought it was over NOPE I have to do a 24 hour pee thing. Where I have to keep every oz. I tinkle for 24 hours IN THE FRIDGE ewwwwww. But I did hear a heartbeat and baby sounds great :)

On another note.... I feel soooooo HUGE these days, I really don't remember feeling like I was lugging around a bowling ball in my tummy this early last time. I feel like I am already wobbling around and complaining like I am at least 7 months pregnant. June sure feels like a looooooooooooooooong ways a way.

............. I was about to checkout but I realized that I forgot to fill you in on the baby names and about running them past the hubby. Well, as I suspected nothing good came of it! He shot down every last one EXCEPT Kaleigh which I don't even think I like anymore. This may be a hard step in the process and I hope once we know the gender we can think of something soon. On that note... personally I think it's a boy, just feeling like it is so we'll see.....

Til next time

16 Weeks!

How Far Along? 16 weeks ( 4 months)

How I'm Feeling Overall: Much better now that I'm in the second tri.

Maternity Clothes? yes please!!! Only the pants so far though ... I think my shirts could all pass for maternity anyways so I am still wearing them and they fit fine over my growing belly.

Sleep? I wake up at least 3 times a night to pee, and I am ALWAYS sleepy by about 6 pm ( haha) but once I wake up in the moring I am UP... no matter how early it may be unfortunately.

Best Moment of the Week? Hearing baby's heartbeat at my apt. yesterday!! "woosh woosh woosh" ..... feels so good to hear :)

Movement? not too much. Every once in awhile I can feel some rolling around.... like just now LOL (baby must know I'm talking about him/her. hehehe)

Food Cravings/Aversions? I feel like I am always hungry yet whatever hubby plans to make for dinner never sounds good. Usually I eat something completely different from everyone else.

What I miss? Being able to "diet" if I want to and lose weight to fit into my smaller pants etc. I feel like I am just gaining too much weight and cant stop. I also miss being comfortable all the time.

What I'm looking forward to? my u/s gender apt on valentines day! I dont care about the gender so much as I cant wait to SEE baby!!

Weekly Wisdom: every pregnancy is different

Milestones: Finally bought maternity jeans

Emotions? I am all over the place.... most of the time im fine but I have my moments

Friday, January 6, 2012

Longest day of the century perhaps?

AHHHH is this day over yet? I swear by the time I get to Friday every week ... more like Fridays after 1 pm.... I am so dead tired and done that all I can do is sit and stare at the clock sloooooowly dragging the day out. Today has no different! I found some more really cool blogs to read and as I have said before I am hooked! Once I really get the hang of it I will put links up for all the fun stuff I find!

So I added a "ticker" to the top of the page so now everyone can see how big the baby is at all times haha. Kinda stinks tho since I round up all the time... I would rather say 16 weeks than 15 and some change LOL. Cat's outa the bag now ( unless I have to change it after they measure the baby again in a few weeks)

I also found another cool idea on someone else's pregnancy blog. Kinda like a journal page for the day every week that my week increases.... for example next tuesday I will fill out the "questionare" for 16 weeks.

I can't focus today on writting this blog so I'm sorry it is probably very scatter brained. However, I was thinking while reading some other blogs why is it that some people just decide to have a baby and WHAMMO it happens ( or even the "accidental" pregnancies) and for other people they try and try with no avail. :(   It always seemed like such an easy thing: 1.) do the deed  2.) find out your pregnant. LOL. I did watch a show once on discovery about the whole concieving to birth process and realized it can be a lot more work than that! **duh**

So in baby news:: I am exhasted today ( as we covered earlier LOL) I have heartburn ( which I never got with Jordon until about week 30) and I am eating like a pig. My lunch consisted of a baked potato, 2 apples, and 3 little "cutie" oranges. oh and raisinets. I'm not even full... I feel like I could just eat an entire buffet of food right about now. UGH. Well back to work I go... break time is never long enough ( and I'm starting to wish I had chosen a nap over blogging) *** OH WAIT*** before I go... I swear I felt a real kick... like made me gasp because I wasnt expecting it. They say its about 4 weeks too soon to be feeling "kicks" but you know what people I KNOW WHAT I FELT :) ...... on that note::: toodles !

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What's in a name.... other than ummm EVERYTHING! ugh

Who woulda thunk it ( is that right?......LOL) I decided to give it a whirl with looking through some baby names today. Sheesh La Weesh! you know when you say a word over and over and it starts to sound wrong in your head.... or maybe thats just me....... well anyways, I feel like I may have seen some decent names today but HOLY SENSORY OVERLOAD there are a bajillion names out there. HA. I know I dont really want anything too common, and I dont want something so unique that nobody can pronounce my made up baby name BUT this part is harder than I remember! So my 8 year old sons name is Jordon Trey ( neither of which I really LOVED, but it was all about compromise) and I don't feel like naming the baby after anyone, a junior etc... and according to my hubby if it is a boy he wants to name him and if its a girl I can name her. HAHA we will see about that!!

Here is what I have so far. ( mostly just first names for now)

Analise (on-a-lease) Ryann
Ryleigh Elise
Ariana (are-ee-on-a)

Jonathan Rhys (reese)

HAHA told you... havent gotten very far , and haven't run anything by the hubster sooooo I'm sure most of those are no-goes. Bummer. AHHHH good thing I have a long way to go. I'm also afraid that I will finally pick something and one of my many preggo friends will have already chosen the same or similar baby name. Maybe I will pick something soon (one for both sex) and announce it on facebook.... kinda like TAG its mine now LOL.

Other than the name fiasco, the day has been pretty boring. Baby has put a halt to the partyin in my belly and has been pretty calm all of today. ME however.... ugh.... I feel like a blimp! I see all these commercials for losing weight and at first I was like "haha for once I'm not on that bandwagon" to which my mind quickly changed to wishing I could be. Not that I like to diet, but with this growing belly ( and thighs and toushy) I feel like I am slowly turning into Jabba the hutt.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

That's right..... I did it!!!

So FINALLY after all of the talking about wanting to start a blog..... I went ahead and put my "blogger" where my mouth is. :) All this time I just couldn't think of a darned title, let alone find something that wasn't taken. As I'm sure you see I found a witty little name (thanks mostly to my friend Tonya) and BAM off I go....

Let me start by saying I am new to "blogging" but I am a talker/texter so I'm sure I'll pick it right up! I follow some blogs already and I LOVE hearing about people's days, lives, journeys etc. I am excited to share mine (followers or not) because really I think it will be fun to just vent. OH and don't judge me... like I said, I vent, therefore I will probably spell things wrong and make plenty of grammatical errors, I will most likely use shorthand at times and may just get off on a tangent in a million different directions. OH WELL :) Anyway, I know the name is "Baby Guy's Lullabies" but this will not ONLY be a pregnancy blog. It's mainly for that yes, but I know there will be plenty else to discuss along the way.

**** Here we go****

SOOOOOO...... as of .... well yesterday, I am 15 weeks pregnant ( although as of my last appointment in November I am measuring a little further along) and guess what??? I have a tiny baby in my belly doing a happy dance. I have felt the baby move before but only tiny flutters, and today its throwing a party in there or something!!! Thus the reason to start this blog ASAP so I could document my first real day of LOTS of fetal movements! I have my next apt. in about a week and I'm crossing my fingers for another ultrasound but that probably won't happen. If I don't have one next week we are scheduled already for our "gender reveal" u/s on Feb.14th (valentines day) cute huh. LOL.

 Alright well that's a start. Don't want to overwhelm myself on my first official day of blogging ...hahaha.