Tuesday, August 21, 2012

2 months old!


Jaida, can you believe it has been 2months already??? I know I can't!

We already have a routine going and you sleep well through the night most days. You smile and coo, you even rolled over from your tummy to your back during tummy time last week. You are able to lift your head really well and have great neck control too! ( Although you still like to headbutt me and daddy when we hold you on our shoulders) You are still doing well drinking only pumped breast milk. You drink about 2-3 oz every 2-3 hours. You have been going down to bed after a nightly bath and bottle at about 1030 or so and wake me up between 3 and 5 am to eat then go back to sleep until around 7 am. Then we get up and come downstairs with your brother where you eat again and go back to sleep in your swing for a couple hours! so really you are only sleeping and eating from 10pm till 10 am :) Then the fun begins and we can start our day!

The best news though is that Daddy and I officially decided that I get to leave my job in the working world and stay home to raise you and your brother!

(besides if you saw the price of childcare these days........)

I can't wait to see how you grow and change in the months to come!

Look... I'm back! **photo bomb time**

Alright.... I think I might be back to the blog world for good. Hubby bought a new computer last night and I am all over blogging again :)

I almost feel like I should start all over ( a brand new blog) because I have such bad OCD when it comes to organization! It will probably make me crazy that I left out a whole 2 months of my life on my blog ahhhhhhh!

So, let's catch up shall we::
(here are the pics I promised)

This is my last official belly pic taken the morning I went in for my c section.

Here is Jaida at one day old in the hospital

First trip to church ( first official trip out)

Brother and sister

One month::

Well.... we pretty caught up. I am going to make another post today to do her monthly check in!

Friday, August 3, 2012


Pretty sure I am either fired from.... or almost fired from the world of blogging.

I figured the only people reading my blog were the friends on facebook that follow the links that I post on there as a "blog update." That is until I really thought about all of the blogs that I just "troll" ( as they call it) meaning blogs that I anonymously follow because I am interested in other peoples lives. Hence all the reality TV I watch :) So now I feel really bad. I could be so wrong and maybe nobody other than my friends is really following my life BUT just in case..... I have a LOT to fill everyone in on.

Let's see.....

Last time I was on here was a little less than a month before I gave birth! ( sorry people that were waiting to hear how that went!)

Well I had the baby! YAY! Here are the stats::

SEX: Girl
BIRTHDAY: June 19, 2012
TIME: 10:19am
VIA: C-section (repeat)
WEIGHT: 9lbs. 9oz.
HEIGHT: 20 1/4 inches

She has a full head of hair and it was love at first sight!

** I will post pics later.. I am having trouble with this dumb computer!*

Jaida Alyse is now almost 7 weeks old!! She is so good and sleeps so well! So far she already follows a pretty normal nightly sleeping pattern of 1st bedtime being around 8 or 9 (after a bath) then she usually will wake up again around 1130pm to eat.... then again around 3am.... then she is up for the day at around 630 or 7am. There have been a couple nights that she has slept for 7 hour stretches!

At this point I am not sure if I will be going back to my current job or if I will be looking for something from home or at least only part time.

Well.... Baby is awake gotta go! Hope to be back before another 2 months pass!!