Pretty sure I am either fired from.... or almost fired from the world of blogging.
I figured the only people reading my blog were the friends on facebook that follow the links that I post on there as a "blog update." That is until I really thought about all of the blogs that I just "troll" ( as they call it) meaning blogs that I anonymously follow because I am interested in other peoples lives. Hence all the reality TV I watch :) So now I feel really bad. I could be so wrong and maybe nobody other than my friends is really following my life BUT just in case..... I have a LOT to fill everyone in on.
Let's see.....
Last time I was on here was a little less than a month before I gave birth! ( sorry people that were waiting to hear how that went!)
Well I had the baby! YAY! Here are the stats::
SEX: Girl
BIRTHDAY: June 19, 2012
TIME: 10:19am
VIA: C-section (repeat)
WEIGHT: 9lbs. 9oz.
HEIGHT: 20 1/4 inches
She has a full head of hair and it was love at first sight!
** I will post pics later.. I am having trouble with this dumb computer!*
Jaida Alyse is now almost 7 weeks old!! She is so good and sleeps so well! So far she already follows a pretty normal nightly sleeping pattern of 1st bedtime being around 8 or 9 (after a bath) then she usually will wake up again around 1130pm to eat.... then again around 3am.... then she is up for the day at around 630 or 7am. There have been a couple nights that she has slept for 7 hour stretches!
At this point I am not sure if I will be going back to my current job or if I will be looking for something from home or at least only part time.
Well.... Baby is awake gotta go! Hope to be back before another 2 months pass!!
I like your blog! And i read it sometimes when I get on my own. Can't wait to hold Jaida!