Friday, January 6, 2012

Longest day of the century perhaps?

AHHHH is this day over yet? I swear by the time I get to Friday every week ... more like Fridays after 1 pm.... I am so dead tired and done that all I can do is sit and stare at the clock sloooooowly dragging the day out. Today has no different! I found some more really cool blogs to read and as I have said before I am hooked! Once I really get the hang of it I will put links up for all the fun stuff I find!

So I added a "ticker" to the top of the page so now everyone can see how big the baby is at all times haha. Kinda stinks tho since I round up all the time... I would rather say 16 weeks than 15 and some change LOL. Cat's outa the bag now ( unless I have to change it after they measure the baby again in a few weeks)

I also found another cool idea on someone else's pregnancy blog. Kinda like a journal page for the day every week that my week increases.... for example next tuesday I will fill out the "questionare" for 16 weeks.

I can't focus today on writting this blog so I'm sorry it is probably very scatter brained. However, I was thinking while reading some other blogs why is it that some people just decide to have a baby and WHAMMO it happens ( or even the "accidental" pregnancies) and for other people they try and try with no avail. :(   It always seemed like such an easy thing: 1.) do the deed  2.) find out your pregnant. LOL. I did watch a show once on discovery about the whole concieving to birth process and realized it can be a lot more work than that! **duh**

So in baby news:: I am exhasted today ( as we covered earlier LOL) I have heartburn ( which I never got with Jordon until about week 30) and I am eating like a pig. My lunch consisted of a baked potato, 2 apples, and 3 little "cutie" oranges. oh and raisinets. I'm not even full... I feel like I could just eat an entire buffet of food right about now. UGH. Well back to work I go... break time is never long enough ( and I'm starting to wish I had chosen a nap over blogging) *** OH WAIT*** before I go... I swear I felt a real kick... like made me gasp because I wasnt expecting it. They say its about 4 weeks too soon to be feeling "kicks" but you know what people I KNOW WHAT I FELT :) ...... on that note::: toodles !

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