Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Arguing…. We all do it, and you know that’s the truth!
Being pregnant and having these fluctuating hormones are not helping with my urgent sense at times to argue with my husband. Yesterday I just had “one of those days” the whole entire day seemed rough.
It started when I went to the gas station in the morning ( around 6 am) because I needed to put some air in my tires. Well when I got there, low and behold, another person was using the free air machine thingy…. So I decided to put a little gas in the car. Once I was done filling up I pulled up to the air machine and parked. ** it was also puring down rain UGH **
I took off all four caps on my tires and walked over to the machine ( which worked the day before when I had put air in only one tire that I thought was the issue) I turned it on and pulled the hose over to the first tire…. All while being rained on…. When I put the nozzle in the hole and pushed the lever the air was coming out but the gage wasn’t working and I didn’t know if I was doing any good.
---- just give up now, I thought----
But nooooooo I kept trying…. In the rain….. at all four tires…… I don’t think it worked.
I got back in the car when I was “finished” and low and behold the tire pressure light was STILL on. I gave up and just pulled away. As I approached the exit of the gas station a bazillion other cars pulled up and blocked my way into the road…. So I waited…. The light turned green and they started moving. They didn’t stop and then the light turned red. NOBODY WOULD LET ME IN… this happened 3 times so what did I do??
I cried.
The rest of the day I was feeling sick and uncomfortable and tired and grouchy and…. Well pregnant. However the POINT of this story was to tell you about the silliest argument I had with my husband. ( Well really he didn’t respond much… but I argued LOL.)
 So it here goes::
It was after dinner and we were watching some show Jon wanted to watch. I was already irritated by that ( haha) …. Out of nowhere the tears start to flow and through them I started to argue.....
ME: (crying) “UGH I am so uncomfortable and I just don’t feel good.”
JON: looked at me but didn’t reply
ME: (still crying) “I’m just so mad that your sitting on the “big couch” and I am sitting here on this chair. That couch is mine… it’s for pregnant people not perfectly normal husbands.”
( then the “recording a show” message popped up on the TV)
ME: “WHAT ARE YOU RECORDING??? ON MY TV????” ( the TV in the bedroom)
JON: “ummm Pawn Stars”
ME: “ Nooooo what have you done…. Tori and Dean is on and I HAVE to tape that."
JON: “um, ok… we can….”
ME: “NEVERMIND I’m going up there now… to bed…. And watching Tori and Dean” ( marched away)
******* the end******
I went up and watched my show and later Jon came up and we talked about his day and we talked about my day, we laughed and all was normal. I have to say, I sure do love my understanding and incredibly patient hubby!!!!!  J  ** and I HATE raging hormones! LOL**
=== also today he has my car and will be getting the brakes fixed AND putting air in all four tires==
How did I get so lucky :)

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