Wednesday, February 22, 2012

IT'S A ......

SOOOO..... I have a secret to share.

Last night I went to CareNet as a "volunteer belly model" ... haha sounds cool huh .... anyway basically I laid there while some ladies went through training with the ultrasound equipment. I learned all kinds of cool things like how to position the wand to get different angles etc...etc...

I thought this would be the best time to let them know that if they could tell boy or girl they could fill me in. They replied that they cannot tell me because that is not what they are in the training for. BOO. They were measuring the baby's femur, and heart rate, and commenting about the kicks and then they came to the "private areas" which I thought I could figure out myself... but I couldn't tell what I was or wasn't looking at. UNTIL I over heard one woman whisper to another " It's a girl isn't it?" She asked if she could tell me and another tech in training said no.... UGH.

BUT the head hancho jumped in and announced that he is certified and trained so he CAN make the call and guess what he confirmed....

                                                               IT'S A GIRL

So they finished up, gave us a blanky and some pics and sent us on our way :) SOOOO excited!


I had my official ultrasound that my doctor ordered to do all the measurements etc.... I got there and guess what THIS ONE WAS CANCELLED TOO AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. BUT the rescheduled for later this afternoon since I told them I could not leave the office until one was rescheduled for today because I can't take anymore stress.....

So, let's just hope when I go at 2 that "she" is still a girl and they don't find extra parts or I will be announcing that news tomorrow :)

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