Well Hello my bloggity followers J
I haven’t been on a “venting spree” for a few days so I thought maybe I would check back in this lovely Tuesday morning.
A lot has gone on in the last week…exciting things in fact! My hubby (who just recently left the Army) got a job! YAY! And not just any job, but one that he really wanted! He got a job with the Dept. of Corrections. I am really proud of him! The only crappy thing is that for the first year he will be “on call” so I am not looking forward to that at all…. But hey, can’t be picky when he will be bringing home the bacon.
Also, we finally got a new couch, well sectional that has two recliners, cup holders, and even a fold out bed. SO much more comfy than what we had before since now I can lay down on the couch! ** It’s the little things people**
I find out in ONE WEEK (on Valentine’s day <3 ) if we are having a boy or a girl. For the record I am thinking boy. Jon wants a girl…. We shall seeeeeeeeeeee. Finally I am excited to find out though so I don’t have to call the baby “it” anymore.
NOW ONTO THE VENTING….. #petpeevetime
I hate when you’re talking to someone about something and then another completely random person (who you’re not even friends with) butts in (or in this case walks over AFTER the convo. is through) and wants to discuss what you were just talking about. What’s worse is when that same person reads over your shoulder onto your computer and comments about that too…. Please mind your business UGH. Let me also note that after talking to me about my phone’s texting features ( which was what I had been talking to my FRIENDS about) this person also made the comment “ I HEARD you think you’re having a girl because of how you’re carrying”… welllll I almost lost it because for the record NO I don’t think that I’m carrying for a girl, whatever you are trying to imply…. RUDE …. UGH. But instead I politely said, “nope I think it’s a boy.”
Also, I hate when you walk into a bathroom, or a lunchroom, or around a corner and startle someone and they make a big deal like “ oh, I almost ran into you….” Um, ok…. Was I supposed to knock? Because this is public area…. Confused!
I will have more another time I’m sure but that’s just a little food for thought today.