Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Graham Crackers and Cheese


Yesterday my coworker was talking about her son not being interested in eating his sandwich for lunch at school anymore. We were talking about what she could pack instead and you'll never guess what she suggested doing....

Giving him Graham crackers and cheese!!!.... not cream cheese.... yellow American PLASTIC looking cheese. BARF.

BUT.... my mama (she hates when I call her that) always said "don't knock it till you try it"..... soooooo ... I did. 

** no pictures of me tasting it so you'll have to take my word for it**

I thought it was disgusting!!

Then, Jordon tried it... I told him to give it a thumbs up or thumbs down.... but I was still confused whether he liked it or not, as I am sure you would be too after seeing his facial expression::

 So, I asked one more time... "take a bite for the camera and if its yummy thumbs up if its gross thumbs down"..... I guess this is the FINAL ANSWER::


Tuesday, February 28, 2012


How Far Along? 23 WEEKS
Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With her sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that she's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see her squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.

How I'm Feeling Overall: 
Well I have had a cold/cough for a little over a week and not being able to take much ( and not really wanting to either) has made it a little more prolonged and difficult. I am ready to stop hacking! I have also started getting a little bit more round ligament pain and some minor backaches.... oh the JOY.

Food Cravings/Aversions?
I haven't really wanted meat AT ALL lately but I eat it for protein. I still want Pizza and candy all the time. Yep still need my junk food fix.

Best Moment of the Week?
Finding out the sex of baby ..... two days in a row :)  It's nice to know that now we are now officially **TEAM PINK**

I seem to wake up a lot more these days to pee again, rather than the once a night I was starting to get accustomed to.

So much that I am starting to learn this baby girl's schedule...which I am sure will change as soon as she hits the real world but as for now she is kicking and punching me at least every couple hours.

Finding out gender.

VERY moody. Getting a little bit nervous about what will happen after baby is born.... as far as working vs. not working, and parenting Jordon in a way that he doesn't feel left out since the baby will get so much attention. Feeling anxious and rollercoaster-ish in the mood department.
What I miss?
Being comfortable.... not having back pain that I can't relieve... not feeling constantly sick with some sort of cold..... not having RLP ( round lig. pain) OHHH and... I started getting restless legs a little and it is very annoying.

What I'm looking forward to?
Being back to "normal" and not feeling heavy and tired and achy all the time

Weekly Wisdom: Nothing that I can think of right now!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Baby Brain

Wow... I am losing my head these days!!

I got to work early this morning and I put my bagel into the toaster and walked out to my desk ( I sit right outside the lunchroom) the plan was to go back in 2 mins. when it was done and grab it out of the toaster.

WELL..... that didn't happen.... I remembered about it an HOUR later when I realized I was hungry haha


 It was hard as a rock so I microwaved it for about 20 seconds to give it some "life." Now I am enjoying my hard/chewy bagel. Wait did I say enjoying? I meant I am forcing it down.

On a happy note IT'S FIRDAY YAAAAAY! ** and Payday at that** ..... which basically means it's pay my bills day YUCK.

My friend is having a Pinterest Party this weekend. I'm not going because I am just lazy these days in general BUT here are some of my favs from Pinterest::

towel bar with necklaces hanging from shower curtain hooks  tall vases with flowers submerged in water  I HAVE to make this!!!

MEAL PLANNER!...Picture frame, scrapbook paper, dry erase markers.. organization!  hold all jewelry holder!  old t-shirt + lace = cutest scarf!!

Oh and the list goes on and on.....

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Photo Shoot

Jaida Alyse

Baby's ultrasound pics.... sorry I took these from my phone so they aren't the best quality :)


                                                               yup... it's a girl!!
creepy face pic!

right hand::

That's all for today peeps Have an awesome day!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

IT'S A ......

SOOOO..... I have a secret to share.

Last night I went to CareNet as a "volunteer belly model" ... haha sounds cool huh .... anyway basically I laid there while some ladies went through training with the ultrasound equipment. I learned all kinds of cool things like how to position the wand to get different angles etc...etc...

I thought this would be the best time to let them know that if they could tell boy or girl they could fill me in. They replied that they cannot tell me because that is not what they are in the training for. BOO. They were measuring the baby's femur, and heart rate, and commenting about the kicks and then they came to the "private areas" which I thought I could figure out myself... but I couldn't tell what I was or wasn't looking at. UNTIL I over heard one woman whisper to another " It's a girl isn't it?" She asked if she could tell me and another tech in training said no.... UGH.

BUT the head hancho jumped in and announced that he is certified and trained so he CAN make the call and guess what he confirmed....

                                                               IT'S A GIRL

So they finished up, gave us a blanky and some pics and sent us on our way :) SOOOO excited!


I had my official ultrasound that my doctor ordered to do all the measurements etc.... I got there and guess what THIS ONE WAS CANCELLED TOO AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. BUT the rescheduled for later this afternoon since I told them I could not leave the office until one was rescheduled for today because I can't take anymore stress.....

So, let's just hope when I go at 2 that "she" is still a girl and they don't find extra parts or I will be announcing that news tomorrow :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


How Far Along? 22 WEEKS

At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. 

How I'm Feeling Overall:   Great! Other than the occasional round ligament pains and heavy belly feeling…. OH and the constant Charlie horses in my legs at night. HAHA

Sleep? Also really good! I get to sleep at a normal time and then I am usually wide awake and ready to go early in the morning.

Best Moment of the Week? I Love that hubby can feel the baby move all of the time now
J Still not feeling the “kicks and jabs” but he CAN feel the movement.

Movement? At least every other hour!! Lots of little kicks and punches too.

Food Cravings/Aversions? Same ol’ same ol’ …. Candy…Pizza…. FRUIT!!! I seriously can NEVER have enough fruit!!!! No real aversions…. Although I cannot eat pork since I watched this YouTube video
( which I will spare you the details of)  

Milestones: hmmm…. WELLLLLL I get to find out very soon what the baby is
J let’s just say I should know the sex of baby by the end of this week ( since I am not telling anyone the day of my u/s this time) I will update my blog as soon as I know too so keep your eyes peeled and hopefully this time we won’t all be let down!

Emotions? Happy Happy…. For the most part. Had a small little snap at a nosey coworker last week but other than that I’m fairly normal

What I miss? Having a queen size bed feel big enough. I feel like our bed is a toddler bed right now since I take up so much space just to be comfortable LOL.

What I'm looking forward to?  2012 in general! This is going to be a good year, husband’s new job… new baby…. Going to be a brand new world for us and we are excited to see what God has in store! Can’t wait to hold our little baby in my arms too!!

Weekly Wisdom: GOD IS IN CONTROL! After being so let down about having my ultrasound I realized that I am not the one in control… whatever is meant to happen will and I need to take things one day at a time.

 BABY SIZE:: ** spaghetti squash (length)

Friday, February 17, 2012

3 Day

It’s Friday Friday….. YAY
I had such a long week this week ( and it was only four working days for me haha) But with the whole baby ultrasound snafu and a small episode of "mean girl syndrome" at work yesterday** I am just ready for a break!
     ** I decided not to blog the story because It is over now and i don't need to waste anyones time with the silly drama, basically I just kinda snapped at someone who was being nosey at work and hurt her feelings.
I am SOOOOO ready for this long holiday weekend. I am just exhausted today! Jordon is going to spend today through Tuesday with my parents since he is on “mid-winter break” at school. ( Is it just me or do kids get a lot of school breaks these days LOL) Anyway, the hubs and I don’t really have any plans for the long weekend besides maybe going to catch a movie in the morning tomorrow while its still cheap. Guess what we will be seeing..Safehouse YAY!! Then sunday is church YAY ... and then sleep sleep sleep. CAN'T WAIT.
Well, I wish I had more to say but I don't. No fun stories really.....
Enjoy the weekend everybody!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The let down!

So I know I have been MIA… probably leaving everyone hanging about the boy or girl situation.
Here’s the thing… I didn’t get to find out the sex L matter of fact I didn’t get to have the ultrasound done at all! I showed up at my apt. on time to check in at the hospital and they said “ oh your apt. was cancelled back in January.” AND they claimed they didn’t have to call to tell me that because I am no longer their patient.
Rewind a little ….. I AM not their patient anymore BUT I was told that I could still keep my ultrasound apt. and they would transfer the records ( because it is military and they still cover me regardless of if I am also seeing a new doctor for my care.) on top of this I didn’t meet my new doctor until 2 days ago either. So needless to say I was crushed and had to scramble around to call in a new ultrasound with my new doctor.
I did get one scheduled for TWO WEEKS from now L
**** on a side note… a friend of mine told me about a place called CareNet ( It is a clinic that helps pregnant women kinda like Planned Parenthood only Christian based) anyway, she told me that all next week they are doing free ultrasounds for volunteers that could spare their bellies for about 15 mins. I called them right up and guess what ….. I HAVE AN ULTRASOUND WITHIN THE WEEK J and my husband can go because we are having it done in the evening. They are all trained nurses and we get pictures and everything! I am so excited and think this is such a blessing!!!
I will not be telling anyone what day we are finding out…. I will be sure to blog and spill the beans the morning right after. So wish me luck and if baby cooperates we will know the sex very soon! YAY!
Until then here is the card I was planning on letting Jordon open to reveal the sex of the baby to Jon and I. Since Jon will be there but Jordon won’t I will let Jordon open the card when we get home the night we find out



Monday, February 13, 2012

Tomorrows the BIG day :)

Well yes, it is Valentine's day too

BUT, what I am referring too is whether or not this baby is a HE or a SHE baby! What do you think... will it be ::


Jon can't be at the ultrasound because he has to go fill out paperwork for the new job all day :(  but my mommy is going in his place and she is sworn to secrecy not to tell until he knows the sex! I wasn't all that excited about the gender part.... because all I am looking forward to is seeing my precious baby on the ultrasound.... but the closer it gets I have to say I am getting anxious eeeeeeeek!

So what's the verdict?

Friday, February 10, 2012


I don’t understand it.
I don’t know how to not have it.
I want it to go away L

Today I obviously have one thing on my mind…. Insecurity. I have always been the person who wants to be accepted, and liked by everyone. I have always worried about what other people think of me. I have always been self conscience about how I look. I want all of that to change…. NOW. I don’t know where to start, so I am going to start by praying. That has always helped in the past and I am going to count on it helping now. I want to be a trusting person. I want to be kind, and loving….. I want to really REALLY be a woman of God. I am falling short. I have a loving husband who is a Godly man and yet I still worry that someday I won’t be enough. It is not fair for anyone that I feel this way.
So all I am asking today is that if you are reading this…. Pray for me too J
PS: Happy Friday!! Yipeeeeeeeee

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A case of the yuckies

I feel like Poo today

I woke up this morning feeling clammy and with a sore throat and headache to boot. The last thing I wanted to do was go to work but I hate staying home sick just lying around in bed all day…. I like to save that for my lazy weekends. So I went in anyways.
However, this got me thinking…. Do any of you find it more irritating one way or another if someone:
A.) calls in or B.) Comes in but leaves early.
I am the type to go to work even if I am sick but to leave halfway through the day when I really just can’t take anymore. My coworker on the other hand said that it is more annoying to do that then to just call out sick for the entire day……
OPINIONS PLEASE J  …. ** FYI ** ( I am staying the whole day today )
While you’re thinking about this I will enjoy my “tea” of fresh lemon, honey, and hot water YUM!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Venting time #petpeeves

Well Hello my bloggity followers J
I haven’t been on a “venting spree” for a few days so I thought maybe I would check back in this lovely Tuesday morning.
A lot has gone on in the last week…exciting things in fact! My hubby (who just recently left the Army) got a job! YAY! And not just any job, but one that he really wanted! He got a job with the Dept. of Corrections. I am really proud of him! The only crappy thing is that for the first year he will be “on call” so I am not looking forward to that at all…. But hey, can’t be picky when he will be bringing home the bacon.  
Also, we finally got a new couch, well sectional that has two recliners, cup holders, and even a fold out bed. SO much more comfy than what we had before since now I can lay down on the couch! ** It’s the little things people**
I find out in ONE WEEK (on Valentine’s day <3 ) if we are having a boy or a girl. For the record I am thinking boy.  Jon wants a girl…. We shall seeeeeeeeeeee. Finally I am excited to find out though so I don’t have to call the baby “it” anymore.
NOW ONTO THE VENTING….. #petpeevetime
I hate when you’re talking to someone about something and then another completely random person    (who you’re not even friends with) butts in (or in this case walks over AFTER the convo. is through) and wants to discuss what you were just talking about. What’s worse is when that same person reads over your shoulder onto your computer and comments about that too…. Please mind your business UGH.  Let me also note that after talking to me about my phone’s texting features ( which was what I had been talking to my FRIENDS about) this person also made the comment “ I HEARD you think you’re having a girl because of how you’re carrying”… welllll I almost lost it because for the record NO I don’t think that I’m carrying for a girl, whatever you are trying to imply…. RUDE …. UGH. But instead I politely said, “nope I think it’s a boy.”
Also, I hate when you walk into a bathroom, or a lunchroom, or around a corner and startle someone and they make a big deal like “ oh, I almost ran into you….” Um, ok…. Was I supposed to knock? Because this is public area…. Confused!

I will have more another time I’m sure but that’s just a little food for thought today.

20 Weeks! **halfway point**

How Far Along? 20 weeks (halfway there)

Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he's measured from head to toe.)
He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).

How I'm Feeling Overall:  Other than being a ticking time bomb of tears I “feel” great!

Maternity Clothes? I’m going to officially take this off the list next week… yes that is all I wear now
J BUT I will add that maternity  jeans are so dang unflattering! They are always just too baggy and make my butt look saggy UGH.

Sleep?  I need a nap everyday… even if it’s only 30 mins on my lunch break. Also I still wake up every morning around 3 am but can usually fall back asleep shortly after.

Best Moment of the Week?  Jon felt the baby… only a TINY bit though, he said it felt like the baby brushed against his hand.

Movement? Everyday now!

Food Cravings/Aversions?   I am not as hungry as I was previously… still craving mostly fruit, and of course pizza LOL

What I miss? I really miss my face being thinner and not having a double chin hahahaha.

What I'm looking forward to? Being able to lose this baby weight after he/she is born.

Weekly Wisdom: I have learned just in general to be a more positive. Also not to worry so much about what people think of me! I have a huge issue with that, I hate to be judged but I need to stop caring SO much about that.
Milestones: YEP I’ve made it HALFWAY!

Emotions? Eeeeeeeeek…. Like I said I am a serious emotional roller coaster! My poor husband LOL

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hide Yo Kids

Well today I had a rough day... Bad mood/ hormone city!! SOOOO I needed something to cheer me up, what did I turn to you ask?.... Just this little diddy right here::

There we go... Happy again :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I thought wrong?

Pregnancy is supposed to be a time to feel extra beautiful... I thought.
It's when everyone compliments you, and rushes to help you with whatever you need... I thought.
People treat you like a princess when your building a human inside of you.... I thought.

What I DIDN'T think was that when I got pregnant I would feel insecure. It seems so backwards. I know that I am SUPPOSED to have a belly, and I know that I am going to gain weight because there is a small person being created inside of me. I also know that people are going to look at my belly and judge, or wonder, or just look.... But it has got me feeling a little insecure.

I try to think back to when I have made comments to my pregnant friends and I bet I did say " wow that's goina be a big baby" at some point. I am so sorry for ever doing that. I probably thought what everyone else thinks..... that it's lighthearted and your not saying the woman is FAT....just that the belly is so big and round. It might even be that you feel sorry for her for having to carry around that belly, but I don't know how to respond anymore when people say it to me. It does kinda hurt. I get embarrassed like I'm TOO big and I just want to run and hide.


I just don't know what to say..... I need some good responses.... help a sister out people, what should my come back be? ( PS: I am trying to stay away from things I want to say like " well I'M pregnant whats YOUR excuse?" haha)

Goodness Gracious .. I promise I will not end up like THIS:

But at least THEY had multiples.