Wednesday, March 28, 2012

UGH the pain

Oh it has begun.

I can’t sit for a long time, I can’t stand for a long time, and I can’t walk for a long time. The pain in my back will not stop. Yesterday ( I reached a “mere” 27 weeks) I started having cramps early in the morning but went to work anyways. I suffered through an entire day of cramping and horrible back pain in order to make it to Jordon’s conference. Unfortunately I didn’t make it. I had to call to cancel because I was in so much pain and just needed to lay down.
I hate sounding like a cry baby but honestly I don’t know how people do it! How do you work a 40 hour a week office job when NO position is comfortable and everything causes you pain. BOOO.
I know that things could be a lot worse an d I am so thankful that everything seems fine with Jaida, but dang this back and cramping pain. I suppose I expected the 3rd trimester to be bad but for some reason I just did not expect this.

Well that is all the complaining and whining I have for you today folks. Carry on…..

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


What to blog about.

Not sure really, but I feel like I am such a blog slacker as of late. I read everyone else's blogs and they are full of pictures, or crafts, or fun stories and I just don't have the energy to keep up anymore. I do this a lot. I start things and then don't finish.


In January I had full intentions of blogging each little thing as I go along in this pregnancy and well.... that just not happening now is it LOL. I guess it is good news though that it has been so uneventful. Right now as I am approaching 27 weeks ( THIRD TRIMESTER) woooo hooooo .... I am finishing sending out all of my baby shower invites. I know I talked about it earlier **HERE** but man oh man do I get anxious having a party for myself. I am not throwing it for myself however, a couple friends of mine are. I just always get nervous that people are not having fun or not as excited as I am. LOL I am silly, I just want to party and enjoy it OK!!

alright well sorry but I am getting side tracked and keep leaving the blog, so I am done for today. :) BYE

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

26 Weeks

Yes... that's all ... 26 weeks.

Is it just me or does it seem like I should be right around at least 32 by now. HAHA. I feel bad saying that I am tired of being pregnant, but I feel like I am.

Maybe I am just tired. In general. Along with the back pain and the feeling like I am helpless because I have gotten so big ( oops my bad!) As you may have noticed I have stopped doing the entire questionare week by week.... I feel like not to much changes and when it does I can just blog about it in this "diary form" rather than question by question.

I had my second glucose screening this pregnancy ( first one was a precaution because my family is known for "big" babies... done at around 16 weeks) This one is the one I am supposed to have done between 24-28 weeks. Well I failed. Bummer!..........

***note to self:: If the doctor tells you that you need to go in for "labs" and you don't ask what they are for your best bet is to NOT eat Reeses and Skittles an hour before***

So, that being said, I have to go in tomorrow for my dreaded THREE HOUR glucose testing. Yep the one where I have to fast before hand then drink an extremely sugary cola type drink, then sit in the waiting room for 3 hours all while having my blood drawn a total of 4 times as well. BOOOO.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

F +

If I was going to be graded on my blogging skills as of late I believe I might get an F+.

I think I may have officially failed the March photo Challenge as well, AND my weekly pregnancy updates.

To be honest I haven't really even been that busy so I don't have that excuse. The weekly count with the pregnancy was ok until I realized that not much is changing week by week anymore... I am getting a little bigger every week, a little more tired, and a lot more achy. ( especially in my back) other than that ...same ol same ol.

Maybe I am just not one for following rules and trying to remember to blog what week I am every Tuesday ( not to mention it seems to make things slow down when I realize I am ONLY 25 weeks along) as far as the photo challenge, I dunno I don't take many pics as it is and this was kind of easier in that way because it gave me something specific to snap a picture of... but I lost track... and now I am unmotivated.

I am just not feeling very bloggy lately.

I'm sorry.

Maybe in a few more days.... or maybe tomorrow.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Photo Challenge days 8 and 9

Day 8:: WINDOW

Man would I love to have this view right about now!

Day:: 9 RED
I know I know.. this isn't a PICTURE really but instead it's a video. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song though!
Enjoy Daniel Merriweather's song ::


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Photo Challenge Days 6 and 7

Day # 6 :: 5PM

This is out the front door... it wasn't too bad out but the mt. is covered by clouds bummer.

Crappy cell phone pic. but I was cooking dinner. Spaghetti with meatballs and veggies.

Jordon was doing his homework.

Well thats about it for 5 PM at our house :)


Day #7 : Something You Wore::

haha yep... I wore this. I have no idea what year this was but I am thinking maybe 93' when I was in about 3rd grade. this was one of my dance recital outfits.PRICELESS huh ;)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Honey Boo Boo Child

Introducing:::  Honey Boo Boo Child

There is nothing else to say

" A dolla makes me holla hunny boo boo"

24 WEEKS!!

How Far Along? 24 weeks ( still measuring 25 though)
Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts her at just over a pound. Since she's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn),she cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll soon start to plump up. Her brain is also growing quickly now, and her taste buds are continuing to develop. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help her air sacs inflate once she hits the outside world. Her skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.

How I'm Feeling Overall:
Hungry more often but full very quickly. My back gets very sore these days, at the end of the day, in the evening I usually feel pretty run down and uncomfortable.

Food Cravings/Aversions?
Still a big time craving to fruits and sugar. Also still not so into eating meat although I know the baby needs protein.

Best Moment of the Week?  
Hmmmm…. I am not sure about this one, kinda had a rough week. I guess the best moment would be walking into work in the sun last week one day. Put me in a GREAT mood all day long. It was lovely.

Sleep is still pretty ok. I do feel super big though so every move I make feels like I have to put in a ton of effort. Especially getting in and out of bed.

All the time still. Even had a friend feel a big kick this week!
Nothing that I can think of here either. Not too much change from last week.

Still pretty emotional. VERY irritable. People get on my nerves easily and it is hard to smile through sometimes. Also not feeling like being around people all the time. Sometimes I even get nervous before going to anywhere because I just hate being noticed or proaded about the pregnancy.

What I miss?
I miss just fitting in with everyone else. I thought I would LOVE the pregnancy limelight, but it kinda makes me more uncomfortable. I also just compare myself with every other preggo I see.

 What I'm looking forward to?
See above!! FITTING IN… with the crowd, into clothes…. Everything!

Weekly Wisdom: I am going to take this out and instead add a new column:: ** see below**
Best Line Heard this week:  ( said to me by a coworker) “ you know I bet she will only be a 6 lb baby…. It just LOOKS like she will be 50lbs”…..  gee thanks J

Monday, March 5, 2012

This MUST be discussed

I am an avid follower of so many "reality" shows it's kinda unreal.(haha) I watch everything from Khloe and Lamar, and ALL of the Real Housewives shows, to Lockup RAW and Scared Straight.

----OH and don't forget "I survived" which is seriously my all time fav!---

ANYWAY, today's topic that I feel MUST be discussed was something that I saw last night on the show called "my Strange Addiction" ** to which I have a strange addiction to watching** ( If you have never seen it PLEASE find a way to watch it ASAP.)

Everyone on that show is some sort of loony bin in their own way. I mean from a man who thinks he has a legit relationship with a doll, to people that eat dirt, chalk and even nail polish OH MY.  I have a "chalk-a-phobia" of sorts ( which I will have to come back to another day on another bloggity blog) yet I still managed to deal with when watching the girl who eats chalk. BARF. I also have an extreme dislike when it comes to feet, and with that being said I just BARELY made it through THIS** on last nights episode::

OH MY GOSH! Please tell me that does not make you want to vomit! LOL.

For serious.... this is the most disgusting thing I have seen in a long time! This lady actually cuts out the tops of shoes so that she can wear them instead of flip flops if she needs to. Not to mention she has diabetes and the doctor told her she is at risk of losing her toes or feet if she cannot even walk normal let alone exercise, but she refuses to trim them at all. GROSS.

She is taking this too far and I am officially grossed out to the max!

Neighborhood, Bedside, and Smile :)

Well I knew it was bound to happen....

I knew I wouldn't be blogging from home on the weekends so I have to upload my pics for the March photo Challenge TODAY that I missed.

Here goes::

(this is in the summer when it was soooo pretty out)

( pretty boring... Just a lamp, alarm clock, picture frame and lotion...because I hate the feeling of sheets on my feet if they are dry.... haha I am so weird I know!)


DAY 5:: SMILE :)
hehe... this is me about 6 years ago it is my inspiration pic because this is a genuine smile. awww

AND... that catches me up to today in the photo challenge. Nothing else to blog about yet but I may be back later :)


Friday, March 2, 2012


Day # 2 of the March photo Challenge is FRUIT::

I know... not very exciting BUT the supervisors at work today made everyone FRUIT smoothies. With Strawberries, Bananas, Orange Juice, and a little milk.

Needless to say.... I had 4.

This picture might make it look big but it was only about a 6 oz cup ok sheesh LOL.


It might have been the most entertaining part of my day though because boy did today feel like the longest day on the planet. ( Right along with every other Friday haha)

OHHHHHH.... I almost forgot the highlight of my day. It is awful actually. I was checking my emails when I had one that said it was from PayPal, so I opened it and read that apparently PayPal had authorized the transaction of $3000.00 to be moved from my bank account into my PayPal account... HOLD UP... no way Jose!!

So I logged onto PayPal and sure enough "I" had requested the funds be transferred. Long story short I called and took care of it all and the transaction will not be completed BUT I now have the fun task of changing every password to every account I own ANNNNND had to cancel my bank card and have a new one reissued.

UGH. Happy Friday. :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012


This looks like a fun little blogging idea.... Let's PLAY :)

*** I may fall behind some days but I will do what I can ***

DAY #1 : UP

It's not all that great ( since I am at work ) BUT this is the view "UP" when I step outside the back door :)